Meet the Collaborative

The European Frog-bit Collaborative was created to identify research needs and inform management efforts to control the spread of European Frog-bit (EFB). The Collaborative is made up of universities, government departments and agencies, Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs), and other decision makers, managers, and stakeholders who share the common goal of reducing and ultimately removing EFB from the Great Lakes.

If you are interested in connecting with us or joining the Collaborative, contact us at If you would like to learn more about EFB and the work we do, visit our News & Events page and explore our Resources!

Organization Structure

Collaborative Members

The European Frog-bit Collaborative represents a diverse group of stakeholders from the Great Lakes region, with a vested interest in invasive EFB control, management, and research. Members are individuals uniquely positioned to provide feedback on current management approaches and efforts, research activities and needs, available resources, and related efforts to help advance EFB control. Click the links below to visit the webpages of the organizations represented by EFB Collaborative members. 

Acronym Key

CISMA: Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area
CWMA: Cooperative Weed Management Area
DNR: Department of Natural Resources
RC&D: Resource Conservation and Development

Collaborative Priorities

The European Frog-bit Collaborative has defined priorities, which are outlined in a formalized Regional Strategy for 2024-2026. Click the image below for a PDF version of the Strategy:

EFB Regional Strategy

To assess the regional priorities, the EFB Collaborative released a community questionnaire in spring 2023. A summary of the questionnaire responses can be downloaded below.

Meet Froggy!

Froggy mascot

Meet Froggy, mascot of the European Frog-bit Collaborative!

Resources & Publications

This site is registered on as a development site.